Right Wing Nut Job
Published on July 29, 2009 By BONEHEADdb In Skinning

I am looking for a program that will convert a png strip to an animated gif. I have Animation GIF Wizarrd but it converts from multiple files. I need a program that extracts frames from a single file. I could extract the frames one by one but I want the easy way out.

I would appreciate any help, thanks.

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on Jul 29, 2009

doesn't seem to be an easy way


found this: http://rbytes.net/software/avi4bmp-review/

but I haven't downloaded, scanned or used it

says it converts gif to pny

says it has a 'convert back' so maybe it will go from png to gif

on Jul 30, 2009

I wish we could have gotten this https://forums.wincustomize.com/324799 working!

on Jul 30, 2009

doesn't seem to be an easy way

You said  a mouth full there! I will check that out.


I wish we could have gotten this

You and me, both!


on Jul 30, 2009

hi BONEHEADdb my suggestion is to ask the author for the original pngs before he pasted the images as a strip

for example my "Digital Counter Animated" https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=14701&libid=29  is a pngs strip to be used with the "Animated Shortcut" docklet, 

but the same skin also comes with all the 61 single frames on the "Graphic gallery" https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.aspx?skinid=966&libid=18 (to be used with the "Picture Slideshow" docklet)

when you specify the name of the png strips you like to convert  maybe the author will provide the separated images, if it was my case I'll be glad to send them to you


on Jul 30, 2009

my suggestion is to ask the author for the original pngs before he pasted the images as a strip

I am the author! Some of my PNG files don't have a stacked version and some were made from stacked files and later tweeked.

So I am just looking for an easy way to convert this:

to this:

This was done by restacking the image and converting with PSP.


on Aug 07, 2009

I FOUND ONE! It's been on my computer for years. Image Forge. It imports a png file and you tell it how many frames.

on Aug 07, 2009

does the free version do it?

on Aug 08, 2009

does the free version do it?

I don't think it does. I don't have the free version anymore, I guess it got bumped when I installed the new one.

on Aug 08, 2009


may download and give it a try later to see...




on Aug 08, 2009

finally I found the freeware application: "TileMage ImageSplitter"  saves the splitted pngs preserving the alpha channels

but it worked for me only in batch mode AW if you want to process only 1 strip on the dialog window you can uncheck the other images in the same folder  !


on Aug 08, 2009

if you want to process only 1 strip you can uncheck the other images in the same folder !


or maybe create a folder just for that and only put one in?


thanks frankell I'll look into that one too

on Aug 23, 2009

BONEHEAD  check this out it cut mt cursor assembly time in half!   https://www.metaplace.com/wiki/index.php/Animation_Strip_Editor

on Aug 23, 2009

nice new avatar Harley .....

on Aug 23, 2009

AVMAN, I just downloaded it and gave it quick test. This is a lot faster than using the frame builder in Skin Studio.

on Aug 23, 2009

Yeah, works great, framebuilder as its supposed to work

Neil if you see this can you maybe change framebuilder to something like this, most code should be the same just incorporate drag drop and preview plus loading several images at once, the filelist is a nice touch in this app, plus keep the old features.

pretty please with a cherry on top

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