Right Wing Nut Job
Published on July 8, 2010 By BONEHEADdb In Politics

Who would have thunk?

on Jul 08, 2010

on Jul 09, 2010

It is his blowout (but I do not subscribe to the conspiracy theory).  It was his agency that was in bed with BP.  And of course since BP bought him (to the tune of $1 million), they thought they could cut corners, save money and if anything went wrong, get a slap on the wrist.  It was and is a comedy of errors. 

You can tell it was not planned by Obama as he has looked and continues to look like a complete idiot in it.  His only response is that "it is George Bush's Fault".  While that mollifies his nutjob supporters, it does nothing about he spill (has anything been done?) or satisfy the majority of Americans.

Obama is an incompetent boob, but he is a good politician.  And so far, he is looking like an idiot.  If anyone planned Obama's response, I would say it was McCain's campaign team.

on Jul 09, 2010

Obama is an incompetent boob, but he is a good politician. And so far, he is looking like an idiot. If anyone planned Obama's response, I would say it was McCain's campaign team.

That's because he is an idiot. And that's why I wouldn't put it past him to engineer something to convince his air head groupies that we need a carbon tax. I'm not saying there is a conspiracy but I wouldn't be surprised.