Right Wing Nut Job
Large Image Missing
Published on August 4, 2005 By BONEHEADdb In Windows XP
This is the first problem I've had with xp. Today I opened explorer and selected filmstrip view and the filmstrip was at the top with no large image any where. Has anyone had this happen? Does anyone know how to fix it? In other words "just what the heck is going on?".
on Aug 04, 2005
Did it say No preview available, if so file select was not an image file, or an image file that XP can't display.
on Aug 04, 2005
No message. Folders I have used for image files for months show the filmstrip at the top of the window instead of the bottom and there is no large image. This just happened today.
on Aug 05, 2005
So the large image viewer is completely gone? I have not seen that one before, hopefully one of the many computer wizes here will see this and have some suggestions.
on Aug 05, 2005
If anyone does come along, even after deleting the desktop.ini from My Pictures and rebooting the filmstrip view still worked for me. No .ini and no images in folder and it still worked,without the .ini it is just a normal folder.
on Aug 05, 2005
Try changing the type of folder in folder properties to documents, then restart the back to pictures again. Just something easy to try...
on Aug 05, 2005
It's the skin I'm working on!
I switched to another skin and explorer worked like it should, filmstrip large image is there. I swithed back to my skin and was still there, but when I went to listview and back to filmstrip it was gone. If figure out what I screwed up I will let you all know whats up.
on Aug 05, 2005
I ran into a few skins that would show me the large image and not the thumbnails, hard telling which is worse.