What happens when you throw rocks at a guy with a gun? Duh...
Fence? We don't need no stinking fence.
We need a wall.
Don't know all the particulars, and we may never, but word is that the 14-yr old was a known 'smuggler' (of what, I'm not sure) who crossed the border frequently, not just some kid innocently 'playing around' at the border. Whether he was used by Mexican adults as a courier or in some other fashion (as is done in the Middle East routinely), is not clear.
Killing him was wrong. Deadly force was not needed to defend against rocks thrown by teenagers. We have a legitimate right to seal our border to prevent illegal immigration & this just makes it harder to convince people we have no hatred of Mexicans per se, just a desire to control our border.
I respect legal immigrants, especially Mexicans, who are consistently hard-working, honest contributors to a better quality of life, for themselves and those around them. Many of them fled Mexico because of its rampant corruption, something they don't have to contend with here, and they are grateful and happy to be here. Sadly, many of the illegal immigrants these days are victims of the coyote industry in Mexico and I feel very sorry for them. We can't fix Mexico, however - only Calderon's government can do that and they either aren't interested or are outgunned or both.
I agree with most of that except for:
Rocks are a deadly force. You ever been hit in the head with a rock? It's a Bad thing. A rock can kill a person if it's thrown by a man a woman or a teenager. The teenagers the boarder patrol has to deal with are not like the teenagers you find in Apple Valley Minnesota, these "kids" are ruthless and have very little regard for life.
That and some folks seem to think these "kids" are standing there wearing Garannimals, holding a Tonka toy. The don't have their age tattooed on their forehead. It was a 14 year old, that was a criminal and a thug, who wanted to take adult risks. Were is the "outrage" over his parental supervision?
I don't have an issue with legal immigration (my wife is still in the process 3+ years and thousands of dollars later). The people that came here legally need to ask themselves if they want the reason they left their homeland to follow them here. If they left to be safe or secure, because of corruption, overcrowding, employment.... what happens when here is just like the place they left? Move on to the next place? It not immoral to have certain expectations from legal immigrants and it is not wrong to demand people obey the laws of this country while here.
Nail, meet hammer.
Range and fire-rate are somewhat limited, however.
I wasn't there, don't know what risk the BP officer felt he was subject to, I'm only basing my judgment on publicly available accounts. And, if true, lethal force was probably not necessary. I'm inclined to believe he was indeed a thug taking adult risks, but if he really only had rocks as weapons, and the BP knew it (big IF there, I admit) he could have been dealt with non-lethally.
I am sorry for the parents. But I do not see an innocent lamb being slaughtered here, regardless of the circumstances. If there was no issue with illegals, it would not have happened in the first place.
So what's next? "They were only using .22 caliber guns, there's no reason to shoot the little children"
I can't find any sympathy for the invaders. This incident and many others could have been avoided by building a wall a long time ago.
That dickhead Ernesto Calderon needs to keep his people in check and shut his damn mouth.
That's a good point!
Wouldn't a few well placed machine gun nests be a cheaper and more effective deterrent?
Yes it would be cheaper but some may still slip by. How about gun towers along the wall? This would have been a good place to spend that stimulus money. Some folks say that a wall will not work, I say that's BS. That wall in Berlin seemed to work pretty good. And how about that wall in china? That's a darn good piece of work.
Our leftist media identify walls with the Berlin variety. Big difference though - it was intended to keep people IN.
But then they would sanctify the victims. With a wall, there are no victims.
I was thinking of something like this.
and maybe some water with critters.
You would think calderon would want a wall, he's always whining about guns coming into his country from the US.
That gator looks loaded! Frisk him!
Yeah, I really have to question that line of thinking (on Calderon's part). These guns that are turning up are not the type you'd normally buy at the local gun shop. Full automatic weapons are easy to trace (one needs a class III license to buy and sell), buying in quantity (more than one) or often would raise suspicions. So who has the clout to sell weapons on this scale? Only one comes to mind... the US government.
Now I question why even a drug cartel would buy expensive US weapons, when much cheaper foreign weapons can be had. I often see AK's and other non-US weapons in the photos when these arms are captured.
Here's my theory about the US weapons, it's really simple. The US sells (or gives) the weapons to the Mexican Army. The corrupt Mexican Army then "distributes" said arms to the highest bidder. How else can these criminals get military grade weapons that you or I would find almost impossible to obtain.
Update: Obama just ceded part of the US to Mexico.