Right Wing Nut Job
I can't find the racist part
Published on June 22, 2010 By BONEHEADdb In Politics

Can you believe this load? First the feds file suite against Arizona and now mexico has to stick their nose into it.

From the article:

In filing the brief, Mexico said it was upholding its duty to protect its nationals in the United States and ensure that they are not discriminated against based on their ethnicity

Keep your nationals in mexico and keep your nose out of our business.

I have read this bill(sb1070)and I just can't find the part(s) that promote racial profiling. Maybe one of you intellectuals could help me out here. Just point me in the right direction.

If this bill is overturned there is something bad wrong in this country.

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on Jun 22, 2010

If this bill is overturned there is something bad wrong in this country.

The fact that it's being challenged by our own federal government is evidence enough of that.

on Jun 22, 2010

It's pretty pathetic that the US government is suing Arizona when the only thing the law does is instructs law enforcement officers to enforce the federal law already on the books.   Now the government of Mexico is joining in on the fun, when they are the root of the illegal alien problem in the first place.

on Jun 23, 2010

I have read this bill(sb1070)and I just can't find the part(s) that promote racial profiling. Maybe one of you intellectuals could help me out here. Just point me in the right direction.

Well you actually read the bill, unlike the President and other officials in the government.  There is nothing that promotes racial profiling.  As usual, the President uses the race card to defer from the real problem going on around the border.


on Jun 23, 2010

Mexico suing a sovereign state of the US (where are the feds who are supposed to protect the states from foreign hostilities).  Mexicans threatening to kill lawmen in the US.  Mexicans squatting in US territory with impunity.

La Raza is too late.  Obama has already ceded half the US back to Mexico.

on Jun 23, 2010

The problems I have with this law..

Immigration is under federal jurisdiction not state jurisdiction...states cannot deport anyone...put an ICE hold on any undocumented committing violent crime and let the federal government handle it.

It puts an unfair burden on law enforcement.  This bill allows local departments to be sued for not enforcing immigrations laws.  Law enforcement can also forget about any cooperation from undocumented people who are victims of or witnesses to crime.

The undocumented are here for jobs.  Go after the business owners that hire them.  Why can't we do that?  Well because those business owners contribute to political campaigns, that's why. 

I wish someone could explain to me exactly how this works without profiling.  I guess the officers need to ask every person they deal with for their documentation in order to not profile. 

We need comprehensive immigration reform in this country that will allow these workers to earn legal status which is next to impossible now. 

on Jun 23, 2010

Immigration is under federal jurisdiction not state jurisdiction...states cannot deport anyone...put an ICE hold on any undocumented committing violent crime and let the federal government handle it.

But of course the latest from Obama is he will not do anything until he can get some concessions out of the opposition to his policies.  In other words, the feds are abrogating their responsibility.  In such a case, it IS the responsibility of the states to protect its citizens.  Murder, Kidnapping, Drugs, and the list goes on.  These are the activities of some of the illegals.  Now stand 20 of them up in a line and tell me which ones are looking for honest work and which ones are here to perform illegal acts.

That is why Arizona is taking the safety of its citizens into its own hands.  It IS the responsibility of the feds.  But they have told all of us they are refusing to do their job.

on Jun 23, 2010

Immigration is under federal jurisdiction not state jurisdiction...states cannot deport anyone...put an ICE hold on any undocumented committing violent crime and let the federal government handle it.

The feds are not enforcing the law so Arizona has do it for them. It's called self preservation. Do you think they are going though all this trouble because they are a bunch of racist having fun? They are desperate.


It puts an unfair burden on law enforcement. This bill allows local departments to be sued for not enforcing immigrations laws. Law enforcement can also forget about any cooperation from undocumented people who are victims of or witnesses to crime.

It won't be an easy time but it's got to be done. Law enforcement may have to work harder but that's the way it is when things get out of hand.


The undocumented are here for jobs. Go after the business owners that hire them. Why can't we do that? Well because those business owners contribute to political campaigns, that's why.

sections 5,6,7


I wish someone could explain to me exactly how this works without profiling. I guess the officers need to ask every person they deal with for their documentation in order to not profile.

Every time I ever got pulled over(and that's been plenty)I've had to prove who I was. Everyone must carry some form of ID, it's always been that way.


We need comprehensive immigration reform in this country that will allow these workers to earn legal status which is next to impossible now.

We need to control the boarder first. The workers illegals need to go home.

on Jun 23, 2010

I say fuck it, annex their asses.

on Jun 23, 2010

I say fuck it, annex their asses.

I think it is becoming the other way around.

on Jun 23, 2010

The feds are not enforcing the law so Arizona has do it for them. It's called self preservation. Do you think they are going though all this trouble because they are a bunch of racist having fun? They are desperate.

That is why Arizona is taking the safety of its citizens into its own hands. It IS the responsibility of the feds. But they have told all of us they are refusing to do their job.

I don't think this is true.  The border patrol is doing a good job of securing the border.  The result is that workers who used to travel back and forth betweenh the US and Mexico now stay in the US.  Crime is actually down and immigrants commit less crime than citizens. 

on Jun 23, 2010

Lets not forget...


Mexican drug cartels have set up shop on American soil, maintaining lookout bases in strategic locations in the hills of southern Arizona from which their scouts can monitor every move made by law enforcement officials, federal agents tell Fox News. 

The scouts are supplied by drivers who bring them food, water, batteries for radios -- all the items they need to stay in the wilderness for a long time.  



on Jun 23, 2010

I don't think this is true. The border patrol is doing a good job of securing the border. The result is that workers who used to travel back and forth betweenh the US and Mexico now stay in the US. Crime is actually down and immigrants commit less crime than citizens.


I am curious. Are you against the Arizona Law or the federal Immigration law in general? I ask because as many have said the Arizona law simply enforces an existing law, a law that, by your opinion can discriminate based on race. The problem here is, this whole discrimination issue was never an issue because the law was never enforced by the Gov't which ended up creating the illegal immigration in the first place which now brings us to Arizona having to do what the Federal Gov't has not done and now refuses to do. Now discrimination is an issue because we will actually be enforcing an "existing" law. It's like saying fire is only dangerous if you actually get burned, the immigration laws only discriminate when enforced. But then why do we have it?

So you see, I am still confused by some peoples dislike for a State law that simple enforces a Federal law but why is no one criticizing the Federal law? You either are in favor of stopping illegal immigration or you are not but I just can see how there is an in between on this issue. You can't be against illegal immigration but be in favor of rewarding those who are already here by making them citizens or not punishing them just because they are already here because then what is the purpose of having an immigration law in the first place.

A lot of people talk about reform. But what exactly do you mean when you say we need immigration reform? Does that mean make it easier for non-citizens to become citizens? Does it mean we should have open boarders? Does it mean we should only make it a crime if the illegal immigrant commits a crime? What exactly do people want reformed?

on Jun 23, 2010

So you see, I am still confused by some peoples dislike for a State law that simple enforces a Federal law but why is no one criticizing the Federal law
  It does not simply enforce federal law.  It usurps federal authority.  The federal law has no provision for sueing local law enforcement agencies for not enforcing immigration laws. 

Island Dog the fact that you get all of your news from Fox concerns me.  Kyl is full of caca.  Obama just requested a $600 million border security bill.  The fact that we have shut down part of the border means that we are in control of it and the border is secure.  My uncle was border patrol.  It irritates me when people act like they aren't doing their jobs.  They are.  Have you ever crossed the border?  It's not an easy process because they are doing their jobs. 

And yes I will admit that the drug violence and Mexican drug cartels are a huge issue but one that we bear some responsibility for...we buy the drugs, they buy our guns...but I think that is a separate issue than immigration reform or lack of it

on Jun 23, 2010

A lot of people talk about reform. But what exactly do you mean when you say we need immigration reform? Does that mean make it easier for non-citizens to become citizens? Does it mean we should have open boarders? Does it mean we should only make it a crime if the illegal immigrant commits a crime? What exactly do people want reformed?

I want there to a be a way for undocumented workers who are already here to earn legal status in this country.  I think they should have to register, pay a fine for entering the country illegally, and be able to earn citizenship.  Our current laws make it almost impossible for anyone to come to the country legally unless they have education and skills or a relative who is a citizen.  I think we need to greatly increase the number of temporary work visas available.  I do not support an open border.  Right now it is a civil offense to be in the country without documentation.  It is a criminal offense to enter the country illegally.  I also support the Dream act which allows non-citizen chidren of undocumented workers to earn citizenship through military service or graduating from college. 

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