Right Wing Nut Job
....of MODing skins and placing them on the site?
Published on May 14, 2013 By BONEHEADdb In Forum Issues

I would send a PM but I don't know who to contact so I'll just throw it out here in front of everyone. Maybe they will see it. Heck, my name should raise a red flag with at least one of them.

So here's the deal. I uploaded a skin(cursor)yesterday and now it's on the home page(new skin)and it's on my page but it's not on my skins list and it's not in the CursorFX gallery. I don't remember checking the box for "show on my page only" but ya never know.

on May 14, 2013

Well, Hell! Forget about the whole thing. NOW it's there.

on May 14, 2013

Well, Hell! Forget about the whole thing. NOW it's there.

Jafo studiously forgets.....

Ye Olde Cache updating issue/delay strikes again....

on May 14, 2013

Nice job too, Boney!! 

on May 16, 2013

And you didn't launch a diatribe against Stardock for concealing your baby. I can't begin to tell you the number of times I've seen that kind of post in a variety of forums, where the answer was just the one you found, here. So good on you.

on May 16, 2013

 *staying out of trouble* 

on May 16, 2013

*staying out of trouble*

Yeah, right.    

on May 17, 2013

on May 17, 2013


Quoting neone6,
reply 5
*staying out of trouble*

Yeah, right.    

You notice he did say that very lightly.

Great cursor, Bdb! Very original.

on May 17, 2013
